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Structure of the AB18.1 TCR External Resource: Annotation Chains Domain Info Class Fold Superfamily Family Domain Species Provenance Source (Version) A d4ndma2 All beta proteins Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) automated matches Human (Homo sapiens ) [TaxId: 9606 ], Human (Homo sapiens ) [TaxId: 9606 ], SCOPe (2.08) A d4ndma1 All beta proteins Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin automated matches automated matches Human (Homo sapiens ) [TaxId: 9606 ], Human (Homo sapiens ) [TaxId: 9606 ], SCOPe (2.08) A d4ndma3 Artifacts Tags Tags Tags C-terminal Tags Human (Homo sapiens ) [TaxId: 9606 ], Human (Homo sapiens ) [TaxId: 9606 ], SCOPe (2.08) B d4ndmb2 All beta proteins Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) T-cell antigen receptor (Homo sapiens ) [TaxId: 9606 ], Human (Homo sapiens ) [TaxId: 9606 ], SCOPe (2.08) B d4ndmb1 All beta proteins Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin automated matches automated matches (Homo sapiens ) [TaxId: 9606 ], Human (Homo sapiens ) [TaxId: 9606 ], SCOPe (2.08)
Chains Family Name Domain Identifier Architecture Possible Homology Homology Topology Family Provenance Source (Version) A C1-set e4ndmA3 A: beta sandwiches X: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich H: Immunoglobulin-related T: Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like F: C1-set ECOD (1.6) A V-set_3 e4ndmA4 A: beta sandwiches X: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich H: Immunoglobulin-related T: Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like F: V-set_3 ECOD (1.6) B DUF1968 e4ndmB2 A: beta sandwiches X: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich H: Immunoglobulin-related T: Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like F: DUF1968 ECOD (1.6) B V-set_4 e4ndmB1 A: beta sandwiches X: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich H: Immunoglobulin-related T: Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like F: V-set_4 ECOD (1.6)
Chain Protein Name Description Organism Name Gene Allele Name(s) Domain Name(s) Receptor Type Receptor Description Provenance Source AB18.1 V-gamma5_Vdelta1 TR-V-GAMMA-C-BETA-2 Homo sapiens (human) TRGV5*01, TRGJ1*01, TRGJ2*01, TRBC2*01, TRBC2*02 V-DOMAIN V-GAMMA, C-DOMAIN C-BETA-2 TR TR-V-DELTA-C-ALPHA_V-GAMMA-C-BETA-2 IMGT (202507-0) AB18.1 V-gamma5_Vdelta1 TR-V-DELTA-C-ALPHA Homo sapiens (human) TRDV1*01, TRDJ1*01, TRAC*01 V-DOMAIN V-DELTA, C-DOMAIN C-ALPHA TR TR-V-DELTA-C-ALPHA_V-GAMMA-C-BETA-2 IMGT (202507-0)
Chains Polymer Molecular Function Biological Process Cellular Component T-cell gamma protein,T-cell receptor beta-2 chain C region Human nkt tcr alpha chain -